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When to use friction grip bolts?

Author: Jeremiah

Jan. 13, 2025

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High-Strength Friction Grip Bolts and Ordinary Bolts

Bolts are ubiquitous in construction and engineering, serving as crucial components in securing structures and machinery. Within this realm, high-strength friction grip bolts stand out as a specialized category of fasteners known for their exceptional durability and reliability. It is imperative to distinguish between high-strength friction grip bolts and ordinary bolts to ensure optimal usage in diverse applications. This article delves into the nuances that set high-strength friction grip bolts apart from ordinary bolts, shedding light on their material composition, strength characteristics, tightening methods, and application scenarios.

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What are High-Strength Friction Grip Bolts and Ordinary Bolts

What are High-strength Friction Grip Bolts

High-strength friction grip bolts (HSFG bolts) are a type of bolt that is designed to provide a high-strength connection between two or more steel plates. HSFG bolts are made from high-strength steel and are tightened to a specific pre-tension load. This pre-tension load creates a clamping force between the plates, which prevents them from slipping past each other.

What are Ordinary Bolts

Ordinary bolts are a type of bolt that is used for general-purpose applications. Ordinary bolts are typically made from lower-strength steel than HSFG bolts and are not tightened to a specific pre-tension load.

Why is it Important to Understand the Differences Between High-strength Friction Grip Bolts and Ordinary Bolts?

It is important to understand the differences between high-strength bolts and ordinary bolts because they are designed for different applications. HSFG bolts are designed for high-strength applications, such as bridges, buildings, and heavy machinery. Ordinary bolts are designed for general-purpose applications, where high strength is not required.

Differences Between High-strength Friction Grip Bolts and Ordinary Bolts: A Comprehensive Comparison

High-strength friction grip (HSFG) bolts and ordinary bolts are two types of fasteners that are used in a wide variety of applications. HSFG bolts are designed for high-strength and reliability applications, while ordinary bolts are used for general applications where high strength is not required.

The following table summarizes the key differences between HSFG bolts and ordinary bolts:

Detail Applications of HSFG Bolts and Ordinary Bolts

HSFG bolts are used in a wide range of applications where high strength and reliability are required. Some of the most common applications include:

If you are looking for more details, kindly visit Friction Bolt.

  • Bridges: HSFG bolts are used to connect the various structural members of bridges, such as the beams, girders, and trusses. The high strength of HSFG bolts is essential for ensuring that bridges can safely carry the heavy loads that they are subjected to.
  • Buildings: HSFG bolts are used to connect the structural members of steel-framed buildings, such as the columns, beams, and floors. The high strength and reliability of HSFG bolts are essential for ensuring that buildings can safely withstand the loads imposed by wind, earthquakes, and other hazards.
  • Heavy machinery: HSFG bolts are used to connect the various components of heavy machinery, such as cranes, excavators, and bulldozers. The high strength of HSFG bolts is essential for ensuring that heavy machinery can safely lift and move heavy objects.
  • Aircraft: HSFG bolts are used to connect the various components of aircraft, such as the wings, fuselage, and engine. The high strength and reliability of HSFG bolts are essential for ensuring that aircraft can safely fly and carry passengers and cargo.
  • Ships: HSFG bolts are used to connect the various structural members of ships, such as the hull, decks, and superstructure. The high strength of HSFG bolts is essential for ensuring that ships can safely withstand the forces of the ocean.

Ordinary bolts are used in a wide variety of general applications where high strength is not required. Some common applications include:

  • Furniture: Ordinary bolts are used to assemble furniture, such as chairs, tables, and beds. The strength of ordinary bolts is sufficient for these applications, and they are also relatively inexpensive and easy to use.
  • Appliances: Ordinary bolts are used to assemble appliances, such as refrigerators, washing machines, and dishwashers. The strength of ordinary bolts is sufficient for these applications, and they are also relatively inexpensive and easy to use.
  • Electronic devices: Ordinary bolts are used to assemble electronic devices, such as computers, televisions, and smartphones. The strength of ordinary bolts is sufficient for these applications, and they are also relatively small and lightweight, which is important for electronic devices.
  • General construction: Ordinary bolts are used in a wide variety of general construction applications, such as framing houses, building decks, and installing fences. The strength of ordinary bolts is sufficient for these applications, and they are also relatively inexpensive and easy to use.


In summary, high-strength friction grip bolts stand as exemplars of engineering precision and durability. Their composition of high-strength materials, superior strength characteristics, and precise tightening methods set them apart from ordinary bolts. This differentiation makes them indispensable in projects where structural reliability is of paramount importance. Understanding the nuances between high-strength friction grip bolts and ordinary bolts is crucial in ensuring the safety and longevity of structures and machinery. As we continue to push the boundaries of engineering, the reliance on specialized fasteners like high-strength friction grip bolts will undoubtedly become even more pronounced, further underscoring their significance in the world of construction and engineering.

High Strength Friction Grip (HSFG) bolts | Structure Bolts

HSFG / Structure Bolts- IS | ISO

HSFG stands for High Strength Friction Grip where a traditional bolt will stop the plates in a connection from moving apart by supporting the weight on the bolt shank in the form of shear stress, an HSFG supports the weight by clamping the plates so tightly together that they can&#;t slip past each other.

The main advantages of HSFG bolted connections are their greater stiffness and their ability to withstand alternating forces. Their behavior under fatigue loading is also better than that of bearing bolted connections. Against these advantages are the costs of HSFG bolted connections.
The bolts are tightened to a shank tension so that the transverse load across the joint is resisted by the friction between the plated rather than the bolt shank's shear strength. We don&#;t use HSFG bolts often because they&#;re expensive and in most cases, they aren&#;t needed.
In other words, the friction generated between the plates is equal to the force being put on the plate by the weight of the beam it supports.
HSFG bolts are also commonly used in structures that will be exposed to a lot of vibrations, or loadings that will reverse. To make sure that the plates don&#;t slip past each other, the bolt needs to be carefully preloaded. The area around the bolt needs to be clean and unpainted and the bolt then needs to be tightened to a precise level.
In general,
HSFG  bolts are high-strength structural bolts that have been tightened such as to induce predefined tension in the bolt shank. They also will prevent any slip between the plates, which means your fastener won&#;t come loose.

Annexure - I  -  Specifications - Table 1

Dia M16x2 M20x2.5 M22x2.5 M24x3 s 15.30 - 16.70 19.16 - 20.84 21.16 - 22.84 23.16 - 24.84 d 26.16 - 27.00 33.00 - 34.00 35.00 - 36.00 40.00 - 41.00 h 9.25 - 10.75 11.60 - 13.40 13.10 - 14.90 14.10 - 15.90 t < 100 31 36 38 41 l > 100 38 43 45 48 Proof Load in N  8.8S 10.9S Mechanical Property: 8.8 or 10.9 as per ISO 898, IS (3) Threads: ISO Metric 6g Class as per ISO 965, IS Dia M27x3 M30x3.5 M36x4 s 26.16 - 27.84 29.16 - 30.84 35.00 - 37.00 d 45.00 - 46.00 49.00 - 50.00 58.80 - 60.00 h 16.10 - 17.90 17.65 - 19.75 21.45 - 23.55 t < 100 44 49 56 l > 100 51 56 63 Proof Load in N  8.8S 10.9S

Annexure-II  -  Selection Chart for Bolt Length & Weight  (kg./ pcs.) - Table 2

For more information, please visit Mesh Bolt.

Dia M16 M20 M22 M24 Length Grip Length Weight Grip Length Weight Grip Length Weight Grip Length Weight 40mm 10 to 14 102.8 45mm 15 to 19 110.7 11 to 15 180.3 50mm 20 to 24 118.6 16 to 20 192.6 12 to 16 252.0 55mm 25 to 29 126.5 21 to 25 205.0 17 to 21 266.9 15 to 19 337.4 60mm 30 to 34 134.4 26 to 30 217.3 22 to 26 281.8 20 to 24 355.2 65mm 35 to 39 142.3 31 to 35 229.6 27 to 31 296.7 25 to 29 372.9 70mm 40 to 44 150.2 36 to 40 241.9 32 to 36 311.6 30 to 34 390.7 75mm 45 to 49 158.1 41 to 45 254.3 37 to 41 326.6 35 to 39 408.4 80mm 50 to 54 166.0 46 to 50 266.6 42 to 46 341.5 40 to 44 426.2 85mm 55 to 59 173.9 51 to 55 278.9 47 to 51 356.4 45 to 49 443.9 90mm 60 to 64 181.7 56 to 60 291.3 52 to 56 371.3 50 to 54 461.7 95mm 65 to 69 189.6 61 to 65 303.6 56 to 61 386.2 55 to 59 479.4 100mm 70 to 74 197.5 66 to 70 315.9 62 to 66 401.2 60 to 64 497.2 110mm 75 to 84 211.4 71 to 80 337.7 67 to 76 427.8 65 to 74 528.5 120mm 85 to 94 227.2 81 to 90 362.4 77 to 86 457.7 75 to 84 564.1 130mm 95 to 104 243.0 91 to 100 387.0 87 to 96 487.5 85 to 94 599.6 140mm 105 to 114 258.8 101 to 110 411.7 97 to 106 517.3 95 to 104 635.1 150mm 115 to 124 274.6 111 to 120 436.3 107 to 116 547.2 105 to 14 670.6 160mm 125 to 134 290.3 121 to 130 461.0 117 to 126 577.0 115 to 124 706.1 170mm 135 to 144 306.1 131 to 140 485.7 127 to 136 606.9 125 to 134 741.6 180mm 145 to 154 321.9 141 to 150 510.3 137 to 146 636.7 135 to 144 777.1 190mm 155 to 164 337.7 151 to 160 535.0 147 to 156 666.5 145 to 154 812.6 200mm 165 to 174 353.5 161 to 170 559.6 157 to 166 694.4 155 to 164 848.2 210mm 220mm 230mm 240mm 250mm
