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Nuts Bag, Nuts Packaging Bags and Pouches Supplier

Author: Vic

Nov. 04, 2024

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Nuts Bag, Nuts Packaging Bags and Pouches Supplier

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Nuts Bag &#; The Definitive FAQ Guide

1. How does a nuts bag work?

A nuts bag features a sturdy body that can handle nuts of all sorts.

Nuts are added into the bag, which is then sealed.

You can collect the seeds on the inside by hand, although you can pour them out too.

2. Can the shells on a nut go into a nuts bag?

The shells can fit into the nuts bag well enough.

The physical body of the nuts bag should be large enough to handle the contents.

Some people prefer shelled nuts for many reasons:

  • Shells keep people from consuming too many nuts at a time
  • The flavors inside the shells may be preserved quite well
  • The nuts will not be likely to have been influenced by other outside factors

3. What types of nuts can you add to a nuts bag?

You can add various types of nuts into a nuts bag, including:

  • Peanuts; these include shelled, roasted, and salted peanuts
  • Sunflower seeds; these can come with their shells or with added flavors
  • Pistachios with or without their shells
  • Almonds
  • Chia seeds
  • Sesame seeds
  • Flax seeds
  • Walnuts with or without shells
  • Cashews
  • Mixed nuts; these are nuts where fewer than 50 percent of the content features peanuts

4. Can a zipper appear on the top part of a nuts bag?

A zipper may work on the top to create a seal that will keep air from entering the inside of the nuts bag.

5. What type of opening mechanism is recommended for a nuts bag?

A tear-off top may appear on the top part of the nuts bag.

The top should appear above a zipper.

The tear-off body lets you open the seal on the inside to reveal the zipper.

6. Is there is a chance that a sharp part of a nut may puncture a nuts bag and open it up?

The issue includes cases like when a shell on a nut might poke through.

Many shells can include pointy features, but the nuts should be packaged well to ensure they will not create anything too sharp.

The materials used in the construction of the nuts bag will make an impact as well.

7. How long can the nuts inside the nuts bag last?

The nuts can last for a while depending on what nuts you have and how you&#;ll store them:

  • Most nuts can last for six to twelve months when stored in your pantry.
  • Nuts can live for up to a year in your refrigerator.
  • You can also freeze your nuts for one to two years.
  • Walnuts, pecans, and pistachios do not last as long; they can stay in a pantry for three to six months.
  • Pine nuts can spoil even faster; they can be kept in a pantry for one month or a fridge for three months.

Nuts that come in their shells will expire faster due to the packaging efforts.

8. Many nuts bags will come with a marking showing a &#;best by&#; date. What does this mean?

The &#;best by&#; date should be listed on a nuts bag to let people know the approximate timeframe of use.

The date appears because a nut is a protein that can weaken over time.

People can consume their nuts after the &#;best by&#; date without the risk of harm.

However, the nuts can lose their flavors and textures if you don&#;t use them soon enough.

9. Can kraft paperwork on a nuts bag?

Kraft paper is suitable for use on nuts bags.

Kraft paper features a cellulose pulp body that includes added sulfates.

The body is stronger than traditional paper.

You can also recycle the kraft paper, although it is also a biodegradable compound

10. How can aluminum foil be used on a nuts bag?

The nuts bag can feature aluminum foil for a sturdy body.

An aluminum lining may also appear on the inside.

Aluminum blocks light and UV rays from impacting the nuts on the inside.

Aluminum can also keep water and oxygen from entering the bag.

The oils and fats inside the nuts bag will also remain preserved inside the bag.

11. How secure should the seal on a nuts bag be?

The seal on the nuts bag should be strong enough to keep moisture and air from entering.

You can find one of many seals on a nuts bag:

  • A heat seal will be applied at the start to protect the nuts.
  • A zipper should go on the bag to keep a firm seal.
  • A ziplock opening may add extra security to the top.
  • You can also get a nuts bag you can secure with a home heat sealer.

12. Can a person who has an allergy to nuts continue to handle a nuts bag while it is fully closed?

The proteins in nuts can trigger allergies in some people.

Although the proteins are to be kept secure inside the bag, an allergic person should avoid handling the bag.

The contents will have come from the same site that processed the nuts.

There is a chance that some residues from the nuts might impact the outside parts of the bags.

Even a trace bit of residue might harm a person.

A nuts bag should come with a warning telling people who have allergies to specific nuts to not handle the body.

13. Can a nuts bag be vacuum sealed?

A nuts bag can be vacuum-sealed to protect the proteins from going stale.

The vacuum seal will remove air from the inside of the bag.

The lack of oxygen ensures the proteins will last longer.

You can also take the nuts in a bag and move them into a separate vacuum container.

Nuts could last for four times longer than usual if they have been vacuum-sealed.

14. Is odor infiltration a threat for nuts inside a nuts bag?

Nuts are more likely to be hurt by odor infiltration than other foods.

Outside odors that enter the bag can interact with the proteins.

The nuts can develop a sour scent if left out long enough.

Throw out any nuts that have been impacted by odor infiltration.

You also have to ensure the bag has a firm seal to prevent odor infiltration from being a threat.

15. What can a standup pouch design for a nuts bag do?

A standup pouch layout features a few hard lines on the bottom.

The lines are flat and will keep the bag upright.

The design ensures the nuts bag can stay upright.

The layout makes it easy for the nuts bag to appear at a store.

No pegs for hanging are needed when a standup design is incorporated.

16. Can you microwave a nuts bag?

You can microwave the nuts after you remove them from the nuts bag.

Avoid adding the bag into a microwave.

The bag may include aluminum or other compounds that are dangerous to add to a microwave.

17. How does the lamination process work when getting your nuts secured in a nuts bag?

A few steps work when getting laminated bags ready:

  • A substrate or base layer starts in the middle.
  • A few layers of other plastic materials appear on each side.
  • A heat bonding process works on the top layer to create a firm seal.

The lamination process may entail using some layers that feature graphic designs.

The lamination can allow the bag to be as thick as one wants it to be.

18. A nuts bag needs to be USDA approved for it to be safe. What does this mean?

A USDA-approved nuts bag is one certified by the United States Department of Agriculture.

The bag must include features such as:

  • No chemicals that may shed off in the foods
  • Firm compounds that will not puncture or otherwise leak
  • Items that can be recycled or are otherwise compostable
  • Full labels on the bag listing everything the bag features

19. What are the standards needed for a nuts bag to be FDA approved?

The Food and Drug Administration also has rules for nuts bags.

The FDA rules are designed to keep customers safe.

An FDA-approved bag will come with these features:

  • No BPA materials
  • Any coloring on the package will not shed off
  • Any enclosures will not include features that can shed off into the nuts

20. A nuts bag can be made without BPA materials. What does this mean, and why is this so beneficial?

BPA or bisphenol A is a chemical used in the production of many plastic products.

BPA can cause some changes in brain chemicals.

The consumption can result in a person experiencing sudden changes in thinking or behaving.

BPA can be worse among children, as it may negatively impact brain development.

21. Can a hole be punched on the top part of a nuts bag? What would make such a hole beneficial?

A hole may appear above the tear-off part of the bag.

The hole is for display and merchandise purchases.

The bag can link to a display pole for an easy sell.

A hole works best for smaller bags.

Convenience stores and other quick-stop sites will benefit from this feature.

22. Can the corners on your nuts bag be rounded?

Rounded corners are perfect for keeping people from being hurt.

Angled or pointed corners can poke people and hurt them at times.

Rounded corners keep this risk from being a threat.

Such design features are ideal for children to handle.

23. Should a heat sealer work on the top part of a nuts bag?

A heat sealer is best for larger bags that may work many times.

You&#;ll have to allow a few inches of extra material on the bag to allow a heat sealer to work.

The added inches are for producing new seals every time one is needed.

The method operates knowing that the bag will shrink, what with there being fewer contents on the inside.

24. Can a nuts bag feature rigid materials on the outside, or should the bag remain flexible?

A nuts bag can come with flexible plastic compounds, but those items should remain sturdy.

25. How large can a nuts bag be?

Nuts bags can be as large as they have to be.

A traditional nuts bag can be about 120mm wide at the most.

A bag of this size may feature a zipper at the top.

A much larger nuts bag may also help for bulk purposes; these include bags that hold several pounds of peanuts or something else.

26. Can a nuts bag be made with a smaller compact size?

A small nuts bag that is 30mm wide can work.

The nuts bag would be small enough to fit in a pocket.

The bag is suitable for on-the-go snacking.

A small tear-off point should be featured on the top part of a small bag to make it easy to open.

A puncture hole may also appear on the top to make the bag easy to display at a point of sale.

27. Should a nuts bag be reused after it is empty?

Avoid reusing a nuts bag after it is empty.

Even after washing it out, the bag may still contain allergens that might hurt people who could be impacted by them.

28. A nuts bag needs to include an origin listing. What does this mean?

The origin listing refers to where the nuts come.

The nuts can originate from a farm or other site in a particular state or country.

The factory that processed the nuts may be near the site that they were harvested.

Any places that the nuts came from should be listed on the nuts bag.

29. Where would the allergen information on the nuts bag be placed?

The allergen details would go on the ingredients label.

The details should include specifics on the types of items that one might be allergic.

The listing ensures people who may be allergic to something can avoid the product.

30. Can a window feature be added to a nuts bag?

A small window may appear on the front part of a nuts bag.

The window will show what the nuts look like and how much is inside the bag.

The feature is appropriate for use provided the bag does not encounter UV light.

The UV light may hurt the quality of the nuts bag if you do not handle it appropriately.



In the present world, consumers have become extra cautious on what they eat. Campaigns on healthy eating to avoid lifestyle diseases are found left, right and center.

With snack product being viewed as the necessary evil, health snack market has been on the rise every day.  Nuts which are protein packed snack products have thus become one among the countable kings on snack aisles.

Being a nut packager, you need viable nuts packaging ideas if you are to stand out on the ever-increasing healthy snack market.

We understand nut packaging is not a simple task.

That is why at TedPack we are determined to provide quality designed Nut bags that will not only protect your nuts from the hazardous environmental effects but also ensure your nut bags grab customers at first sight.

This article will take you through the following chapters to help you understand the mistakes to avoid, what to change and what to add on your nut packaging ideas.

Chapter 1: What are the Nut Bags?

Nut bags are protective pouches used for nut packaging. But that does not mean any bag is worthwhile.

Whether you need best nut milk bags, almond milk bags or raw nuts bags, you need pouches that can withstand transportation hassle and remain undamaged or unbroken after rough handling on the shelves.

Our nut bags are made of multi-layered material film laminated together.

When the layers are laminated together, they offer an error-free protective barrier that keeps your nuts protected from odor, moisture, oxygen, and contaminants.

NB: No consumer can get satisfied by buying pest infected or soggy nuts.

Probably; you have come across customers complaining that some of the nut bags they bought were torn.

Such things are what put off your customers as well as potential customers.

We both know you are not ready to ruin your business reputation and spoil your way to the market top just because of something small like wrong nuts packaging idea that you can say no to.

With the tight nut bags, for example, custom printed to improve your product visibility, get assured you will not struggle to stand out from a similarity pool.

Chapter 2: How to Choose the Right Barrier for Nut Packaging?

When selecting the right nut bags, there are several concerns you need to have in mind.

This part will elaborate on the most contagious concerns you need to check.

Chapter 2.1: What are the pros and cons of using either metalized or transparent nut bags?

This is one heated topics when it comes to snack product packaging.

The answer to the question &#;which are better between metalized and transparent packaging pouches&#; lies in the marketing strategy or the target market.

For example, in North America and Europe, many snack customers associate premium healthy snack with transparent packaging pouches.

On the other hand, Turkish customers associate metalized nut bags with high-quality nuts.

For that reason, you need first to understand your target customers to choose the right nut bags.

Note; PET-MET film is loved for its opacity and strong barrier properties.

Some customers say, nuts with very high oil contents, salty or powdery coating does appear less &#;Clean (not appealing to their eyes)&#; when packaged in transparent nut bags.

Meaning, metalized but bags are best for such nut types.

Chapter 2.2: Which are the technical concerns during barrier selection?

Material selection plays a significant role in how good your pouches will be.

But also remember, the machines used in the manufacturing process, technology and professionalism put into work will play a vital role as well on your pouch quality.

Other concerns such as transportation, filling, and handling are worth mulling about too.

For example, the packaging process alone without worrying about leakage will work against your packaged nuts quality.

The manufacturer to trust must also be ready to optimize the setting on all the machines to avoid any leakage possibility on the bags manufactured.

Chapter 2.3: Moisture oxygen and light concerns regarding nut packaging

Among all snuck types; nuts are the most susceptible to quality degradation due to moisture, oxygen and light infiltration compared to biscuits and crisps.

The high-fat content found in nuts is what works against them if proper packaging is not factored in.

For example, if exposed to oxygen, your nuts will go rancid something that will affect their taste and overall quality.

Additionally, dried nuts when exposed to moisture do loss their texture.

That is why you need; quality made nut bags to keep off all these external environmental hazards.

Chapter 3: Why are Bags essential for your Nuts Packaging?

If your nut bag is to find its way into a customer&#;s shopping basket/trolley, then its quality must be impressive?

Additionally, a nut bag might be attractive from the look, but fail to reach the counter in a customer&#;s trolly if after getting hold of the nut bag he or she realizes its torn or the packaging material is of poor quality.

On the other hand, properly packaged product can help you establish a unique price for your product.

Will that not be one way to stand out for the sea of sameness?

Note: consumers will always make an assumption of your product quality based on how good you have packaged them.

Product value and desirability are perceived based on how well those packaging bags are.

According to Drupa, approximately 52 percent of online shoppers say they would repurchase a packaged product if the first delivery were packaged in a premium packaging pouch.

Again, Drupa claims 90 percent of used pouches and bags are reused.

On your side as a nut roaster, it means free exposure every time someone else sees and reads the writing on the small or big nut bag getting reused.

Lastly, 40 percent of consumers share images of the product with good looking packaging and graphics through social media something that is a plus to your product visibility.

Our pouches are highly printable plus we use the best printing technologies which are flexo and rotogravure to help market your products with ease.

More advantages of using nut bags are:

Chapter 3.1: Save your Money

Compared to traditional nut packaging plastic and glass containers, Flexible nut bags are cheap.

These bags are cheap in two main ways.

First, the raw materials used are not as expensive as those used in plastic and glass containers manufacturing.

Statistically, 12 percent less raw materials are used in flexible bags manufacturing compared to plastics manufacturing.

Thus, if the manufacturing process is cheap, it does not require rocket science to depict that flexible pouches are as well cheap to purchase than plastic containers.

Secondly, the transportation of both packaged nut bags and empty bags is exceptionally cheap and easy.

Many of these bags can get loaded to trucks on pallets which will save much space meaning more bags will get ferried at a go.

Lastly, if you can carry your cargo by a single trip, it means you will save extra fuel cost that would be used for more trips.

Chapter 3.2:  Providing Physical Protection

Physical barrier/protection is the primary reason as to why you need nut bags.

In simple terms, you need these bags to:

  • Protect your almond nut milk, or organic nut milk from leakage, during transportation and shelf stay.
  • Guard your nuts against external environmental effects such as water vapor, changing temperature and UV Light.
  • Prevent infestation of your packaged nuts from micro-organisms, toxins, chemicals and other forms of contaminations.

If you are contemplating on what to consider when choosing stand up nut bags, flat nut bags or any other type, think of barrier properties first.

Ask yourself if the material structures used will protect your nuts for a longer shelf span?

At TedPack, we laminated different material films to ensure no infiltration of external environment hazardous agents will get witnessed.

We understand moisture and air (oxygen) are hazardous to your nuts whereby they make them stick together.

In connection to that, we address such a concern by manufacturing stand-up pouches with zippers and others that get heat sealed.

Lastly, when cashew nuts, peanuts or any other type of nut is getting packaged, it is crucial to flush nitrogen into the bags before sealing to help remove the oxygen gas that can affect your nut quality.

Chapter 3.3: Prevents loss through use Of Temper Evidence Features

In business, many lope holes can lead to your money loss.

Failure of customers to purchase your products means a loss.

First, customers can sideline your product once they find your pouches are easy to get tampered with.

Although flat or stand up pouches with zippers are loved by many, some retailers might from time to times open them to take one or two nuts if the nut bags are not resistant to tampering.

But, it is possible to get tamper evident pouches that will guard your products against any loss.

We can offer heat sealing, tamper evident Ziplocs or other sealing options to ensure your products get exempted from theft, alteration or any other form of tampering.

Chapter 3.4: Helps Relay Important/Marketing Information

Taking from a report by Inc., they highlighted that 52% of consumers all over the world confessed that the Product packaging perfection and quality do influence their purchasing decisions.

With custom printing being among the possible nuts packaging ideas, there are countable information relaying tricks you can use.

Through pouch printing, you can offer a catchy product description, product expiration date, nutrition value table, as well as helping in product marketing through labels, company symbols, etc.

Additionally, through the same bag printing, you can have symbols that depict your pouches are recyclable or not.

Mark you, in the present world where many consumers are concerned with environmental conservation, such a small thing will influence buyers decisions making process.

Chapter 3.5: Brand Creation for Recognition reasons

Have you ever wondered why it is so simple to recognize a Nike sneaker in its packaging box?

The secret lies in the packaging idea. The Nike Company developed a packaging brand which makes their sneakers easy to get recognized.

If you need to make it happen whereby customers will be able to identify your product without necessarily reading the name or writing, then you need a consistent brand type.

That is why you need to think of what to keep constant or unchanged when branding your product.

For example, you can decide to use the same:

  • Colors
  • Fonts
  • Pouches style
  • Picture (images)

For example, you can choose the best colors you need to use and the nuts bags style you find best.

Related articles:
The benefits of choosing non-woven bag for businesses.

If you want to learn more, please visit our website Wanhui Packaging Technology.

After choosing, make sure you maintain that pouch looks for easy customer recognition.

With perfect pouch designers and artwork makers, nut bags can help you market your products thus increasing your nut sells.

Note: if you are to make it big in these competitive market, make sure you create a recognizable brand and stick by it.

Chapter 3.6: Differentiates your Brand from That of Competitors

So many players have infiltrated the nuts market compared to one past decade.

If you are not ready to put the best product packaging ideas in play, the probability of your chickening out or your product becoming the less visible is very high.

You need Nut bags that sell your brand out, communicate your product presence on the shelf and attract customers.

Quality pouch branding does not only make your products visible but also differentiates your nut products from the rest.

That&#;s all you need from well-designed graphics and pouch shapes.

Chapter 4. Types of Nut Bags

At TedPack, we are at your service. We have nut bags of all types, styles, shapes, and sizes; something that will fit your packaging need.

We produce custom printed and also plan non-printed nut packaging pouches.

Being an entrepreneur yourself, we know you have come across different nut packaging ideas, and today you have that one killer short you think will work.

Talk to us, let us help you fine-tune your packaging thoughts to the best version possible.

We are determined to provide you with nut bags that will enhance your product visibility, shelf appeal, attract customers, ensure extended shelf life, and increase market control among others.

With our various types of material (more about them will get discussed in chapter 9) we assure you the laminated material films are what you need for impressive packaging.

Below are some of the nut packaging bags we manufacture.

Chapter 4.1: Clear Nut stand up Bags

To start with, we have clear stand up bags for you.

These are see-through nut bags for those customers who are always after seeing the product they are about t buy before purchasing.

The see-through option helps build your customers confidence in the product they are about to purchase.

Secondly, apart from the confidence point, the ability to see through acts as a billboard to market what you are selling.

Additionally, we offer custom printing on these pouches upon your requisition. We can print labels or other essential graphics you might need.

Note: although the films might look transparent, that does not mean they are not strong.

Our assurance of perfect barrier properties still holds. These pouches are made of multiple laminated films.

Depending on your packaging style, we manufacture pouches of different sizes and holding capacities.

Lastly, for reliability and consumer friendliness reasons, we always add essential features such as tear notches; hang holes, press-to-close zippers (PTC-Zippers) and many others.

Chapter 4.2: Natural Kraft Stand Up Pouches

If you are concerned on the straight from the farm impression, then our natural Kraft stand-up pouches are here for you.

We laminated natural Kraft paper with other essential material films such as Nylon to get the perfect laminated film for barrier reasons.

One good thing with Kraft nut bags is you can print highly visible labels, images and other pictures at will.

For nut types that need no exposure to light, these are the best pouches you can use.

Depending on your packaging need, we have different size for you; you can get any size.

End product users too will enjoy an easy use time, opening and closing time.

There are several add-on options such as tear notches, clear windows, reclosable zippers, hang holes, tin ties among others.

Chapter 4.3: Flat Nut pouches

If you are targeting travelers and customers who love to eat their nuts on the go, then Flat nut pouches are your best option.

These are nut bags that are used to hold small nut quantities.

Maybe, these are the most common pouches along retail aisles as well as counters.

Mostly, they are fitted with hang holes that made it possible for retailers to hang them for enhanced visibility reasons.

They can get hanged on peg boards in numbers.

From our end, we prefer heat sealing of these pouches to ensure your products are well secured from moisture, oxygen odor, and contaminants.

For customer&#;s sake especially tearing ability, we have tear notches on the sides that ensure an ultra-clean and straight tear.

Chapter 4.4: Matte Frosted Stand-Up Pouch Bags

Matte frosted stand-up pouch bags are among the highly likable nut bags type.

Their high functionality and elegant display make them one branding and marketing pouch that customer cannot resist.

The matte frost look and finishing give a freshness impression that most customers love.

The unique semi-transparent matte finishing through with customers can see the packaged nut adds to the pouch beauty.

On nut protection and preservation, you can count on these bags.

Apart from their strong laminated material structure, we fit them with zippers for airtight, odor and moisture barrier reasons.

You can package your nuts and rest assured of extended shelf life.

Tear notches are as well added to make it easy to open them.

Chapter 4.5: Quad Seal Nut Bags

Quad seal bag is one popularly known packaging pouch.

This bag type is known due to its versatility. It can get used for several packaging reasons.

This bag type has been used to package pet food, coffee, tea candy and snacks among them being different nut types.

For manufacturers who are planning to package nut in more significant capacities, quad seal bags are the best.

They have a flat four-sided bottom that makes it possible for these bags to rest on any flat surface comfortably.

When filled, they assume a four-sided shape that allows them to take in more nuts.

Some of the main advantages of these pouches are:

  • More space for ample nuts packaging
  • Better and free billboard advertisement on the shelf owing to the four-sided sealed gussets
  • ·Self-standing abilities

They are manufactured using laminated material films for barrier reason.

For easy carrying, ergonomic handles are used. For easy reclosing and opening reasons, there are zippers too.

On the other hand, depending on your marketing strategy, you can decide to have clear windows of any shape you like not to forget the ample billboard spaces on the four sides.

Chapter 5: How to order for the right Nut Bag without making a Mistake

When ordering nut packaging bags, you have an option to either go for non-printed (plain) flexible bags or custom printed bags.

For either of the options, an artwork illustrating the design, size, style and color complex of the pouches you need will be essential.

If you need custom printed pouches, you need a well-crafted artwork that will act as a road map or guide to our manufacturers.

But if you have no artwork; worry not. We have in-house designers at TedPack who are willing to help you come up with an artwork that will meet your packaging needs.

But once you have submitted your artwork and our experts have approved it, we give you a lead time of 15 -30 days (3-4 weeks).

Here are 4 questions your flexible pouch converters and yourselves need to answer to find the right materials for you nut bags.

1. What type of nuts are you planning to package?

You need to understand that pouches used to package fresh nuts are different from those used in roasted nut packaging.

These different types of nuts are affected by various environmental conditions for example oxygen.

To avoid a scenario where your nut will get stuck together, you need pouches that will allow no oxygen penetration.

Additionally, if you need almond nut milk bags or organic nut milk bags, then you need to order your nut bags with clear and specific instructions.

Always take note on the nut types you intend to package because that is what will help you in material films selection.

2. How long is the shelf life needed?

Depending on the expiring date of your products, you need pouches that are tailor-made to preserve your nuts for the intended shelf life.

If you need nut bags that can preserve your product for 3, 6,9,12 months or even more, ensure your manufacture understand that.

For example, nylon film is used on pouches intended for 12 months and above product packaging.

You need to be sure that your products will be safe by giving the correct shelving duration for right material choosing.

The type of barrier properties you decide on will ensure your customers get their products while in fresh condition.

3. What graphics designs do you need on your pouches?

Graphic design is not a walk in the pack.

Take time to consult experts and your manufacturer&#;s designing department on what they think would serve your brand creation and marketing best.

You need perfect color choices that will help you stand out from the pool of sameness.

4. Is you nut bag manufacture capable enough?

Whether a veteran nut packager or processer or a new investor, you need to pay keen attention to the manufacturer to work with.

Look for a manufacturer who has a good reputation, experienced, certified, has equipment capabilities and can provide different references.

You can ask for sample nut bags, visit their companies or contact their previous customers to know whether they are worth working with or not.

Chapter 6: Major Customization Programs to Make your Nut Bags Perfect

If you are in need of customized nut bags, TedPack is one experienced company that can help you in realizing your custom bags dream.

Whether you are looking for custom printing service with minimum lead times, you are at the right place; TedPack.

We have professionals who have been in the pouch manufacturing and printing industry for 20 + years.

Our custom printing services cuts across printing of pouches like Kraft nut bags, Flat nut bags, Clear stand up nut bags and many others.

Here are some of the printing services that we offer:

a. Hot Stamping

Hot stamping is a simple pouch customizing plan where color or metallic pigments are transferred to nut bags using some form of heat pressure.

This is a straightforward way to achieve perfect pouch custom printing without committing to much expense, high-end technology, top-notch professionalism or machines.

It is just but a simple way to look classy.

If at any time you need custom printing that involves full-color printing but at a minimal cost, hot stamping is the best.

Hot Stamping Specifications are:  

  • Lead time &#; 3 to 6 weeks per order
  • Idea for &#; simple and clean art printing.

NB: this service is limited to one color type per stamp

b. Custom Label Application

In the present nuts market, custom labels go a long way in brand creation and improving your product visibility.

That is the reason we have several semi-automating label printing and application machines.

No matter the size of your bags, our label designers have the experience much-needed plus machines that can get calibrated to different sizes as you wish.

Out technology is much precise something that helps us to avoid material wastage.

All you need is to download our label services specification which will help you understand what to provide us with for quality service delivery.

c. Rotogravure and Flexo Printing

These are the two graphics printing designs that we trust for perfect pouch branding.

For any image, picture, info or branding graphics you might need, these are the best custom printing types.

  • Rotogravure Printing

This is taken as the best technology that can be used to print high-quality graphics of all sizes and formats.

This printing method is capable of printing 8 to 12 colors.

  • Flexo printing

This technology allows printing of strong color saturation and clean graphics.

All that our graphics printing and designing team need are your artwork files.

Chapter 7: Features to Make Your Nut Bags Better

At TedPack, we offer a variety of application features (Add-on) that are intended to make your nut bags usage easy.

We understand customers need pouches that are easy to open, reclose, hang, and carry.

With these several add-ons, you can rest assured to have the best.

Customers will love and appreciate your creativity a factor that will see your sells increase.

Some of these many application features are:

a. Tin-Ties

Having a resealable nut bag is one option that nut customers have been yearning for long.

Especially, if you are packaging nuts for family use, travelers or children; tin-ties add reclosing ability that will save your nuts from occasional spillage.

We offer tin-tie options of several sizes.

Additionally, all our tin-ties are adhesive-backed. Once fitted on your bags, you will enjoy their service until when you will be disposing of these pouches.

b. Hang Holes

Hang holes are add-ons used to improve pouch versatility on the shelves or counter places.

With these hang holes, it is possible to hang your nut bags on peg boards in multiple quantities.

Remember, there are two advantages of hang holes. One; retailer will be able to hang some of your nut bags in case their shelves are fully packed.

Secondly, through the hanging ability, your products will become more visible. Meaning, customers will see them easily and from far.

c. Rounded Corners

Sometimes, clients complain of injuries inflicted by sharp pouch corners.

But if by any chance you have come across such like complain or planning to avoid the same, we have round corners has one of our add-ons.

Rounded corners are thus used to avoid injuries to your nut bag handlers.

d. Tear notches

Tear notches are fitted at the top side of nut bags whereby they are intended to coax customers to initiate a pouch tear.

A tear notch is a pre-cut line that ensures a straight and ultra-clean pouch tearing.

With these features, your customers will enjoy easy pouch tear with no curved tears that most of the time lead to the packaged nuts getting poured.

No matter the type of pouch you might need, we have the professionalism to fit these on your pouches.

e. Clear Windows

Clear windows are used on different pouch types to help in packaged product seeing.

A clear window is thus a transparent part which can be in any shape meant to offer a see-through option to customers.

If you have had experience of customers who needed to see the nuts packaged, then you must understand the need for clear windows on your pouches.

With the see-through ability, customers gain confidence in the product they are buying something that improves your product sells.

f. Reclosable zippers

Zippers are plastic components made of double plastic track that interlock when pressed to offer pouch resealing at will.

For nut bags, zippers are thus very important. They prevent nut pouring as well as contaminations from the external environment.

Customers need these reclosable zippers very much. Once one has had enough he or she will be able to reclose that nut bag.

From our side, we advise that all our nut bags should have either press-to-close or sliding zippers.

Chapter 8: Can Stand-Up Nut Bags Cook More Sales for You

If you have a plan to package Turkish pistachios, cashew nuts, or Spanish almonds or any other nut type; Flexible pouches can help increase nut sells.

We manufacture different types of bags such as Mylar bags; Custom printed nut bags; stand up pouches, Kraft stand up nut bags, clear nut bags, and many others.

All these bags types can help punch up your pouch sales in the following ways.

  • For any nut bags we manufacture, whether intended for roasted or fresh nut packaging, multiple film layers get laminated together.

The lamination thus creates sturdy, stable, reliable, puncture resistant, and waterproof bags that can protect your pouches for extended shelf span.

  • Because most people enjoy nuts on the go, you need to provide them with nuts packaged in bags that favor their go nature.

With pouches fitted with tear notches, your customer will be able to enjoy mess-free and easy pouch tearing.

Secondly, a reclosable zip seal offers an opportunity to avoid nuts contamination or pouring after the initial opening.

Such are some of the things that will entice your customers thus increasing the sales of your products.

  • With perfect labels and graphics customization, you are rest assured your products will be more visible.

As TedPack we can offer graphic designing and label printing with up to 12 color.

  • Finally, if you use eco-friendly pouches, customers will even love your product more. This is because many will feel you are with them in the fight against environmental pollution.

Chapter 9: How Are Flexible Nut Packaging Bags Eco-Friendly

The campaign against environmental pollution is taking its roots deeper each day.

From government agencies to end product users, all are concerned about the mantra &#;reduce, reuse and recycle.&#;

Here are ways in which the use of flexible nut bags can help in realizing the goal towards environmental conservation.

A. Reduce

Although plastic is one material used in flexible pouches manufacturing, it is needed in small scale compared to when plastic tins are being manufactured.

Secondly, the energy used in flexible nut bags manufacturing is far much reduced if you compare to what would be needed when manufacturing plastic jars and containers.

Lastly, the fuel cost amount used in the transportation of flexible nut pouches cannot be compared to the bulk load of plastic containers that take more space as well.

B. Reuse

Depending on the quantity of the pouch, a customer can buy a large bag and later use it on different other things.

That will save the necessity of other carrier or packaging pouches meaning you will have reduced excessive use of natural resources.

C. Recycle

Generally, most flexible pouches are manufactured using thermoplastic.

Thermoplastic is one material that can get melted under certain heat degrees after which it can get molded into other shapes.

Meaning, instead of throwing away nut bags after every usage, customers will have an option to sell them back or give them away for recycling reasons.

By so doing, the environmental problem will get attacked in a very wise and possible way.

Chapter 10 Materials used in Nut Bags Manufacture

There are different materials used in the manufacturing of these pouches.

Different material types are laminated together to achieve a strong film that will protect the packaged nuts from all external hazardous effects like, moisture, oxygen, odor, UV Lights, and contaminants.

Some of the materials are:

  • LDPE (Low-density polyethylene)
  • LLDPE (Linear low-density polyethylene)
  • MET-OPP (Metallized OPP film)
  • MDPE (Medium density polyethylene)
  • mPE (Metallocene polyethylene)
  • NY (Nylon)
  • OPP (Oriented polypropylene)
  • CPP (Cast polypropylene)
  • PA (Polyamide)
  • EVOH (Ethylene-vinyl alcohol)
  • PET   Poly (ethylene terephthalate)
  • PP (Polypropylene)
  • PVDC (polyvinylidene chloride)
  • PE (Polyethylene)

Chapter 11: A comparison between Good and Bad Nut Bags

Do you know packaging does affect your product freshness and overall quality?

Some product packagers make terrible mistakes by going for inferior packaging pouches that are cheap.

In the long run, the poor packaging does affect their packaged products taste, color, freshness and ensures extended product preservation.

At TedPack, we understand all the necessities that go hand in hand with nut packaging.

We have taken time to investigate all the necessary nuts packaging needs, and we have the right professionals who have more than 20 years of experience, and our facility is equipped with the right manufacturing machines.

Below is an illustration on what can make nut bag &#;A&#; good and nut bag &#;B&#; not suitable, consider checking our comparison table.

Bad Nut Packaging BagGood Nut Packaging Bag· Looks boring, dull and murky· Made of laminated material films for quality barrier reasons· Poor sealed· Have the right reclosable zippers· Can get wrinkles easily· Made of flexible material that does not get wrinkles easily· Not environmental friendly· Are always environmental friendly· It is hard-to-read the imprinted graphics· clear imprinted graphics; all info, Best before, batch number, nutrient info, etc.· Have product origin clearly printed· Have allergens details clearly noted

Chapter 12: Nut Bags FAQ

1. What are nuts stand up pouch?
These are flexible stand-up pouches that can stand on their own. Although they are made of durable elastic material for durability reason, they are adjustable to avoid wrinkles.

2. Are your nut bags BPA free?
Yes. All out pouches are food safety and approved by FDA.

3. Do your nut bag samples?
Yes. We do advise you to do that. This is the best way you will get a first-hand experience of the pouches we manufacture and decide whether they fit your purpose best.

4. How do I place my nut bags order?
a. Online: You can ask us any question concerning your order through our website.
b. :Send us your order details at , and we will reply within 24 hours.
c. :Place your order by calling us through +86 137
d. Physical Visit:You can visit us, we are located at, Liuyongwei, Deafen Industrial Zone, Wanjiang District, Dongguan, CN

5. Do you offer a volume discount?
Yes. Although, our volume discounts vary depending on the volume, nut bags style, shape, and customization level.

6. How many colors does your custom printing incorporate?
We print custom bags with up to 12 colors

7. How does matte addition affect my colors?
Once matte lacquer is added to your pouches, they will become less bright or in other words denser. But not, matter addition effect does vary on different color

8. What is your company&#;s lead-time on custom printed pouches?
Our best timing is 3-4 weeks.


TedPack nuts stand up pouches are focused on making your product unique. The pouch is produced using various layers of the barrier film that is laminated together.

This ensures that the maximum protection is achieved against hazards such as moisture, odor, puncture, and many more.

Other than protection from the elements, the pouch has an added advantage of extending the shelf life of your product because it&#;s not exposed to external pollutants which greatly reduce the shelf life of your nuts.

A high quality of the nuts is maintained when you use a pouch to package them. And we also know that a good pouch goes a long way in making your brand stand out.

This means that it&#;s important that you choose the right size, features, style for your nuts pouch in order to stand out as a brand.

The nuts bag can either be multi-printed on one side or both.  The pouches are offered with handles for easier portability.

This makes it easier for the bags to be re-used either for shopping thereby indirectly branding your product. At TedPack, we can help you choose the right nuts bag with the best design option that will meet your needs.

At TedPack, you have the option of choosing a nuts bag that has a gusset. This feature is great when it comes to supermarket or warehouse stacking.

They occupy less space while in transit. Another great feature of our nuts pouch is that they are easy to open. This makes it easier for them to be opened from the top side.

Also, stand up pouch from TedPack allows for a window feature on one side. This window allows the end user of your product to view the in-filled product. This feature is customized as per the customer needs.

TedPack nuts bag provides an additional feature of allowing air to pass through the bag for better ventilation of the in-filled product through micro-perforation.

You also have other design options to settle for at TedPack. You can also settle for Kraft paper pouch design as your nuts pouch.

The Kraft pouch is a natural Japanese Kraft paper, laminated interior and foil lined. It has a resealable zip lock closure with rounded corners with easier open tear notches.

The pouch is airtight due to its heat sealable feature. Kraft paper pouch is lightweight and conveniently easy to store.

All TedPack packaging products are FDA compliant due to the direct contact with foodstuff for human consumption. Below is a table detailing the design options that you can choose from.

You can review it to see which design better suits your needs.

PRODUCTSIZETHICKNESSMATERIALMOQPRINTING TECHNIQUEBARRIER LEVELKRAFT  PAPER POUCH80×120 + 40cm (min), 300×420 + 110cm (max)80 microns &#; 180 microns ( 3mil &#; 7.5mil )BOPP/PET + Kraft Paper + AL FOIL + LLDPE + CPP20,000 &#; 50,000 piecesD-Met Printing, Metalized, Vanishing, Matte FinishingMedium/High


STAND UP POUCH70×110 + 30cm (min), 320×450 + 120cm (max)60 microns &#; 180 microns (2.5mil &#; 7.5mil )BOPP/PET/PA/NY + PETAL/Kraft Paper + AL FOIL + LLDPE + CPP20,000 &#; 50,000 piecesD-Met Printing, Metalized, Vanishing, Matte FinishingMedium/High

If you are in need of nut bags, we are here for you. We are an experienced company that has served several customers and gained experience and knowledge on what it takes to manufacture quality, likable and durable nut bags.

Are those not your necessities, get to us, and we will be glad to serve you right.

Self-Supporting Matte Aluminum Plated Composite Food ...

Self-Supporting Matte Aluminum Plated Composite Food Bag for Nut Packaging


Introducing our Self-Supporting Matte Aluminum Plated Composite Food Bag, the perfect packaging solution for your nut products. This innovative bag is designed to provide optimal protection and convenience, ensuring your nuts stay fresh and delicious.


Featuring a spout design, this bag allows for easy pouring and dispensing, making it ideal for packaging juices, milk, tea, and other beverages. The ziplock closure ensures a secure seal, keeping your products safe from moisture and air, while the self-supporting feature allows the bag to stand upright for easy display and storage.


Made from high-quality materials, this bag is durable and resistant to punctures, ensuring your nuts are protected during transportation. The matte aluminum plated composite provides an attractive and professional look, making your products stand out on the shelf.


Our Self-Supporting Matte Aluminum Plated Composite Food Bag can be customized to suit your specific needs. Whether you require a green root fruit plastic bag or a coffee bag, our bag can be tailored to meet your unique requirements.


Upgrade your nut packaging with our Self-Supporting Matte Aluminum Plated Composite Food Bag. Order now and experience the convenience and quality this bag has to offer.

Contact us to discuss your requirements of nut self supporting bag. Our experienced sales team can help you identify the options that best suit your needs.
