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Location of Camera for Video Conferencing

Author: Marina

Apr. 29, 2024

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Location of Camera for Video Conferencing

Hello all,

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  As Justin has pointed out it really depends on the room design and the location of the displays in relationship to the participants or instructor. That being said the important thing is to place the camera in a position near the display of the far sites that will foster eye contact.  You want the person looking at the monitor of the far site to be making eye contact with the far site participants.  In instructional situations you want the professor looking at a monitor in the back of the room as if they are looking at a student in the back row.  In this case a camera just above the monitor will line up the sight lines where the professor looks as if they are talking directly to you as a far end participant.  In a VC conference room setup where you have dual monitors with one  being the far sites and one being content you will usually be told that a camera directly in the middle of the two monitors is the best point of install.  I'm not that big of a fan of this view point because it separates the eye contact of the participants in the room to look left or right depending on what their focus is on(the presentation or the speaker).  I find that putting the the monitors right next to each other and putting the camera just above the monitors in the center creates the best eye contact as long as you place the monitors low.  If the distance of the monitors in relationship to the participants in the room is longer you may be able to get away with putting the camera below the monitors but I currently don't have any rooms to prove this.  In fact I've never heard of putting cameras below the monitors. Like Justin and I have said it really depends on the room design.  The best advice I can give is whatever your design make sure when your looking at the far sites and talking to the far sites your looking them in the eyes and not making them feel like their not in the room by talking to them but looking in a different direction.



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Daniel Gieckel
Distance Education Manager
George Mason University
Kellar Institute for Human disAbilities

--Daniel GieckelDistance Education ManagerGeorge Mason UniversityKellar Institute for Human disAbilities(W) (703)993-3895 (Fax) (703) 352-1039

For more information, please visit 4k Video Wall Processor.
