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How Does recycle paper Work?

Author: Polly

May. 21, 2024

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Have you ever wondered what happens to all those newspapers, magazines, and cardboard boxes after you toss them in the recycling bin? The answer is quite simple - they are transformed into recycled paper! In this article, we will explore the detailed process of recycling paper.

Collection and Sorting

The first step in the recycling process is the collection and sorting of paper waste. Once you discard your used paper products into the recycling bin, they are picked up by recycling trucks and transported to a sorting facility. At the facility, the paper is sorted into different categories such as newspapers, magazines, and cardboard.


Once sorted, the paper is taken to a paper mill where it undergoes a pulping process. During pulping, the paper is mixed with water and chemicals to break it down into a pulp-like consistency. This pulp is then cleaned and screened to remove any impurities.


Next, the pulp goes through a deinking process to eliminate ink and other contaminants. This is achieved by mixing the pulp with chemicals and air bubbles, which help separate the ink particles from the pulp. The deinked pulp is then washed and dried to create recycled paper.

Refining and Bleaching

After deinking, the pulp is refined where it is beaten and pressed to enhance its quality. Some types of recycled paper may also undergo a bleaching process to remove any remaining ink and brighten the paper.


Once the pulp has been cleaned, deinked, refined, and bleached, it is ready to be converted into new paper products. The pulp is mixed with water and other additives to create a slurry, which is then spread onto a moving wire mesh to form a sheet of paper. The paper is dried, pressed, and rolled to create recycled paper rolls or sheets.

This is how the magic of recycling turns your old newspapers and cardboard into new paper products! By recycling paper, we save trees, reduce energy consumption, and lower greenhouse gas emissions.

If you're interested in recycling paper or becoming a supplier of recycled paper products, feel free to contact us. Together, we can make a difference for the environment and create a more sustainable future. Let's continue to recycle and save our planet, one piece of paper at a time!

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