The following aspects need to be considered when sourcing TFT LCD Module:
ORIC Electronics supply professional and honest service.
Quantity: quantity
Industry Specifics: Low Power Consumption, High Resolution, Wide Viewing Angle, Fast Response Time, High Contrast Ratio
Certifications: ROHS, CE, FCC
Customization: Display Size Customizable, Interface Customizable, Operating Temperature Customizable, Display Type Customizable
Hey all, new to the forum, I picked up a due and a 5" tft lcd display and I'm almost immediately running into a problem.
by itself, the Due seems to work fine, I can upload sketches, everything works fine.
if I connect the display, the computer can't detect the DUE, no Arduino found on COM3 messages. I can unplug the LCD,and then download a sketch, then plug the LCD in and hit reset and everything works. however if I hit reset again it appears that the sketch gets erased. I have to download again
I'm digging.. and I think I've found something, but need some guidance here:
per the Due spec: Programming port: To use this port, select "Arduino Due (Programming Port)" as your board in the Arduino IDE. Connect the Due's programming port (the one closest to the DC power jack) to your computer. The programming port uses the 16U2 as a USB-to-serial chip connected to the first UART of the SAM3X (RX0 and TX0)"
well, the LCD display also uses RX0 and TX0 and I think what is happening is I might be hitting a situation where I'm getting the soft erase caused by the LCD resetting. I also think the fact that both are using RX0 and TX0 are causing me the upload issues.
any ideas? I'm going to dig some more but I'm wondering how hard it is to move the LCD to RX1 and TX1 aside from changing the pins which would be trivial....
Thanks for the reply back,
I saw it just as I was logging in to post that I read in another forum ( LCD displays ) some people with issues where the LCD drew too much current for the USB to adequately power both the Arduino and the LCD.
Turns out this was it, Added a 10.5 Volt supply to the DC input and things are working perfectly now.
It was a sainsmart due/shield/TFT combo that I grabbed. Wanted to mess with something dirt cheap before I bought the real thing. I haven't been using their libraries though, went straight to the source for UTFT and UTOUCH and those seem to be working as I'd expect.
Anyway, Thanks again for the response.
A friend of mine had a Sainsmart 7" CPLD display, the LCD worked fine, the touch did not. Sainsmart is more trouble than it is worth! Return your display.
Contact us to discuss your requirements of 4 5 inch uatr tft lcd. Our experienced sales team can help you identify the options that best suit your needs.
Edit: I just read your original (long) post, you have had quite a time of it! My advice stands, return the display and get a CTE display, that will resolve ALL of your current problems. It is annoying/amusing/frustrating the number of newbies that end up in these forums AFTER they bought some Sainshit product or other.... And all to save a few dollars (28th Jan price on $69.98 inc p&p for CTE or $63.99 for Sainsmart CPLD 7") all this time and effort is simply not worth your $6!
Thank you Graham,
the problem is that being in Italy I prefer buying from european eBay sellers to avoid customs expenses, so at that time there were no CTE, only Sainsmart. Moreover, I need two screens for my project (a billiard scoreboard), and now I got both for the price of one... if only I could make them work
I'm late to return them, so if you could ask your friend what libraries used with his screen, I'd really appreciate. Then, if he confirms he used the original UTFT (in which case I'd like some details), or if I'll have troubles with the touch part, I'll throw them through the window!
Hi Andrea,
I don't need to ask him, as I helped him from the start when his display first arrived. Originally he was using the Sainsmart modified UTFT libraries, I suggested he download the genuine UTFT libraries, we got the display working fine, but the touch functions were inverted and as such, UTFT_Buttons would not work properly.
I am sorry to hear you now have 2 of the Sainsmart displays, but could you not advertise them on ebay at a reduced rate to move them on, and then when you get some money back, get 1 genuine CTE display from wkws20 (Coldtears ebay name)?
I live in the UK and have ordered plenty of stuff from Hong Kong and China, and touch wood, so far I didn't pay any customs fees, maybe I have just been lucky? Very often the customs declarations just say value $10 gift, even though that is clearly not the case :P.
Dear all,
I know this is an old post but I thought I would provide an update. I would agree with others that probably best to go for the more expensive, and likely more reliable options.
If you have bought a Sain"Smart" (You may want to replace Smart with shi%^#...) these are the steps to get the screen AND touch working (well, it worked for me with 7" display) with Arduino Due:
1/ Ensure Arduino environment is installed
2/ Plug in the DUE only (do not connect the shield or lcd screen) via the programming port
3/ Windows may fail to install driver, but you can help it out as per instructions at
4/ Once driver installed, disconnect the usb from programmin port and connect to native usb port. Follow the same process in step 3. Now you have both usb ports ready to use
5/ Download the UTFT and UTouch libraries from UTFT - Rinky-Dink Electronics and install in libraries folder.
6/ Go to folder: [arduino sketches]/libraries/UTFT/hardware/arm
7/ Open file HW_ARM_defines.h
8/ Uncomment the line: #define CTE_DUE_SHIELD 1
9/ Save the file
10/ Go to folder: [arduino sketches]/libraries/UTFT/
11/ Open file: memorysaver.h
12/ Uncomment all the lines except #define DISABLE_SSD_800 (5" display) or #define DISABLE_SSD_800_ALT (7" display)
(this will save you memory space)
13/ Assemble your Due/Shield/TFT display
14/ Connect the Due to a power source via the power plug! Do NOT expect the USB to be able to deliver enough current to drive the Due and LCD!
15/ Connect usb to Due programming port
16/ Open arduino environment
17/ Open Examples/UTouch/Arduino/UTouch_Calibration
19/ Change line: UTFT myGLCD(ITDB32S,38,39,40,41); to
UTFT myGLCD(CTE50,25,26,27,28);
for 5" display
UTFT myGLCD(CTE70,25,26,27,28);
for 7" display
20/ The line UTouch myTouch( 6, 5, 4, 3, 2); does not need to be altered!
21/ Upload the program and follow the calibration sequence
22/ Open folder [arduino sketches]/libraries/UTouch
23/ Enter the calibration figures in file UTouchCD.h
You should now be able to use any of the examples. But remember to always change the line
UTFT myGLCD(ITDB32S,38,39,40,41);
to your correct display.
I hope that helps others and let me know if I forgot something.
For more information, please visit capacitive touch display.