Home > Chemicals > Food Additive E 530 (Magnesium Oxide) - JSC KAUSTIK

Food Additive E 530 (Magnesium Oxide) - JSC KAUSTIK

Author: CC

Sep. 30, 2024

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Tags: Chemicals

Food Additive E 530 (Magnesium Oxide) - JSC KAUSTIK


For more information, please visit our website.






White powder

Mass fraction of magnesium oxide, %, minimum


Mass fraction of calcium as calcium oxide (CaO), %, maximum


Mass fraction of iron fraction as ferric oxide (Fe2O3), %, maximum


Mass fraction of chlorides, %, maximum


Mass fraction of loss on ignition, %, maximum


*On ignition basis 99 % minimum.
In respect of heavy metal and toxic element content food grade magnesium oxide should meet the requirements of the technical regulations &#;&#; &#;&#; 029/


Admissible content level, mg/kg, maximum






*On ignition basis 99 % minimum.In respect of heavy metal and toxic element content food grade magnesium oxide should meet the requirements of the technical regulations &#;&#; &#;&#; 029/

Food additive E530 is intended for use in food industry as an anti-caking agent, a flow enhancer, it is free-flowing without dust formation. It is used in the manufacture of milk powder, cream powder, chocolate and cacao products and as a catalyst in the process of edible oil hydrogenation.

Goto Meishen to know more.

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Air-tight bags made of paper and composite materials, polyethylene or polypropylene bags with a valve and polyethylene bags with a valve, laminated polypropylene bags, with net weight 500 kg, designed for packing foodstuffs; specialized big bags made of polypropylene fabric for bulk solid materials type &#;&#;&#;-. It is admissible to use other kinds of packing ensuring absolute intactness and safety of products and not decreasing their quality during the whole period of storage provided the transportation and storage conditions are observed.


The product can be transported by all means of transport in conformity with Rules of Carriage effective for this means of transport. Food grade magnesium oxide packed into bags can be transported in palletized form in accordance with the requirements of GOST . To be stored in closed dry ventilated storehouses excluding exposure to humidity. Guaranteed shelf life is one year from the date of manufacturing.


Food grade magnesium oxide belongs to low-hazard substances &#; hazard class 4 according to GOST 12.1.007. It is fire-explosion-proof.


Specifications in PDF version

10 Magnesium-Rich Foods That Are Super Healthy

Here are 10 healthy foods that are high in magnesium.

Yet, you can easily meet your daily needs by eating foods high in magnesium.

It&#;s involved in hundreds of chemical reactions in your body and helps you maintain good health, but many people don&#;t reach the Daily Value (DV) of 420 milligrams (mg) .

Magnesium is found in a variety of nutrient-dense foods, including whole grains, nuts, seeds, legumes, and several fruits and vegetables.

Dark chocolate is very rich in magnesium, with 65 mg in a 1-ounce (oz), or 28 grams (g), serving, which is about 15% of the DV.

It&#;s also in high in iron, copper, and manganese and contains prebiotic fiber that can help feed the beneficial bacteria in the gut.

What&#;s more, it&#;s loaded with beneficial antioxidants. These are nutrients that neutralize free radicals, which are harmful molecules that can damage your cells and lead to disease.

Dark chocolate is especially beneficial for heart health, as it contains flavanols, which are powerful antioxidant compounds that prevent LDL (bad) cholesterol from oxidizing and sticking to the cells that line your arteries.

To make the most of dark chocolate&#;s benefits, choose a product containing at least 70% cocoa solids. A higher percentage is even better.

If you want to learn more, please visit our website mgo in food.
