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Electric vs. Liquid Nitrogen Cryotherapy: Which One Do I ...

Author: Helen

Oct. 07, 2024

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Tags: Chemicals

Electric vs. Liquid Nitrogen Cryotherapy: Which One Do I ...

Although standing inside a cold tank may seem like a strange path to health, the cryotherapy trend is becoming increasingly popular as both the anecdotal and scientific evidence confirming its benefits continues to grow. With more professional athletes and celebrities using cryotherapy daily, spas, clinics, gyms, fitness centers, and other healthcare businesses are starting to replace ice baths with cryotherapy machines instead. But how do you know what type of equipment will work best for your particular requirements, especially when it comes to how these machines are powered? Whether it will be used at home or in a healing business, we invite you to read on to learn how to choose the best cryotherapy machine to fit your unique healing goals.

If you want to learn more, please visit our website.

What Is a Cryotherapy Machine and How Does It Work?

A cryotherapy machine delivers super-cooled dry air to lower the user&#;s body core temperature to a point where the body releases endorphins, adrenaline, and other neurotransmitters, while it also stimulates blood flow. This cold therapy results in reduced inflammation and pain, accelerated muscle recovery, and improved mood and well-being. The most common types of cryotherapy machines utilized to produce this therapeutic effect are cryo-chambers and cryo-saunas. 

Cryo-chambers offer whole-body cryotherapy with the user&#;s whole body and head inside the equipment, while cryo-saunas offer partial-body cryotherapy with the user&#;s head outside of the equipment. Both types have been found to provide the same level of cryotherapy benefits, requiring the user to stand inside for anywhere from 1 to 5 minutes in temperatures that can range from -120 to -300 degrees Fahrenheit. 

What Are The Common Ways of Powering These Machines?

Liquid Nitrogen Cryotherapy

Cryo-saunas and cryo-chambers that are powered by liquid nitrogen generally convert it into a gas that is pumped into pipes located inside the walls of these machines. This gas then super-cools the surrounding fresh air that is pushed inside the chamber or sauna. While most cryo-saunas use electric power instead of nitrogen, there are several on the market that do offer this gas technology. Nitrogen-powered cryotherapy machines typically offer colder temperatures than their electric counterparts, are smaller or more compact, and often have a cheaper up-front cost. Although innovative technology in recent years has made many nitrogen-powered cryotherapy machines completely safe when used appropriately, this gas does pose a safety risk if it&#;s inhaled for long periods.

Electric Cryotherapy

Electric-powered cryotherapy machines use electricity to compress the air to trigger colder temperatures. Most cryotherapy machines that use electricity are cryo-chambers, providing whole-body cryotherapy, including the head. Larger than cryo-saunas, electric-powered cryo-chambers take up more space, making them ideal for spas and clinics. Although they often have a higher price tag than nitrogen-powered cryotherapy machines, they&#;re often cheaper to operate in the long run, as the electric power required to operate them does not typically cost as much as liquid nitrogen, nor do you need to routinely purchase liquid nitrogen. Frequently sized to allow multiple users, electric cryo-chambers are popular with high-volume sports complexes and hospitals as they can serve more clients. 

What Are The Benefits of Each?

While both electric and nitrogen-powered cryotherapy machines definitely have their proponents, one is really not better than the other - it all depends on your specific requirements to determine which type is best for you or your health practice. 

  • Generally smaller in size, liquid nitrogen cryotherapy machines have a lower purchase price, do not require much, if any electricity to run, and provide the coldest temperatures. Perfect for home use and small therapy-business owners, nitrogen cryo-saunas are easy to set up and start using right away, but they require you to find a local source for liquid nitrogen tanks. 
  • Electric cryotherapy machines are ideal for larger health and therapy ventures that treat a much higher volume of clientele on a daily basis, as there are several cryo-chamber designs available that can serve multiple users simultaneously. The power costs for electric cryotherapy machines are typically less than nitrogen, making them the more cost-effective option for the long term. 

Which One Should You Choose?



  • Small and compact, it takes up less space
  • Offers a more affordable start-up cost
  • Typically reaches colder temperatures
  • Very low electric power consumption


  • Routinely need to purchase liquid nitrogen
  • Liquid nitrogen can be unsafe if it&#;s used incorrectly
  • Can only fit one person per session
  • Liquid nitrogen can be difficult to purchase in some areas
  • Some nitrogen-powered cryotherapy devices do not include the user&#;s head



  • More affordable in the long run
  • Both partial-body and whole-body options
  • The larger size can serve multiple users simultaneously
  • Simpler operation than attaching a nitrogen gas tank


  • Temperatures don&#;t get as low as nitrogen
  • Higher purchase price (but upkeep is cheaper than nitrogen)
  • Larger sizes may not fit well in residential spaces
  • May require a 220-volt power source

Final Thoughts

While the argument about whether electric cryotherapy or nitrogen cryotherapy is better continues to rage on, the reality is that both offer great benefits and advantages depending on what you want. As a booming industry that&#;s scaled to grow, cryotherapy machines are used by professional sports teams, superstar athletes, and top celebrities, along with spas, wellness centers, fitness facilities, and individual healthcare professionals. 

Adding a cryo-chamber or cryo-sauna to your therapy practice can help you achieve a total ROI within a few months. But it&#;s important to know the differences between electric cryotherapy and liquid nitrogen cryotherapy machines to determine which type works best for your location, budget, and therapy goals. With the information provided in this article, we helped you better understand these differences so you can make the best decision for your unique health practice.

Thanks for taking the time to read this information, and we invite you to learn more about cryotherapy along with a wealth of other educational information that can help you optimize your own health or the health of your clients at Caregiver University.


Morgan Hopkins, DPT, CMTPT

Morgan Hopkins is a licensed doctor of physical therapy and freelance medical writer. She practiced clinically in outpatient orthopedics for 8+ years specializing in intramuscular dry needling, dance medicine, and post-operative care. Morgan seeks to be a leader in the continued shift toward preventative healthcare, helping people optimize movement now so they can move for years to come. She is a firm believer in complementary therapies, holistic wellness, and functional fitness and is thrilled to be able to educate others through Rehabmart&#;s platform.

Meet all of our experts here!

Electric Cryo Chambers versus Liquid Nitrogen ...


For years this was an easy question to answer&#;

Quite simply, electric cryotherapy chambers were a waste of money.

However, times change, and now if you do have the budget, the only cryotherapy chamber worth buying, is an electric, cryotherapy chamber!

How times change&#;

Ralph, So Why the Complete U-turn?


Well, until recently the electric cryotherapy chambers, were absolutely rubbish!

In fact, there are quite a lot of them still out there, and due to their high price, a lot of these cryo clinics will be unable to replace their outdated and useless piece of equipment, sadly.

They were sold a lie by the companies supplying them, that -85°C is cold enough, and it&#;s not. This renders them obsolete, the very day you buy it and not worth using.

This isn&#;t the first major issue either!

Next, is how long it takes to fire up these old electric cryo chambers! It used to take something crazy, like half a day! Yes, you needed to turn these things on the night before, you actually wanted to use them.

Whereas now, the best can be turned on in just 4 hours before you want to use it, this is a game-changer and I believe in time, this will be down to sub 1 hour in the next 5 years.

How Times Change&#;


Today we now have cryotherapy chambers powered by electric, as well as liquid nitrogen, that can go down to -110°C, therefore electric can genuinely now compete, with the temperatures of liquid nitrogen fueled cryotherapy chamber. This is a game changer.

The human body responds to a temperature of &#;110°C down to -130°C. This may prompt the release of endorphins, activate the immune system, boost blood circulation and metabolism, detoxify cells, and activate healing processes.

The other great thing about electric cryotherapy systems is the fact that you can do around 100 sessions a day and you do not have to worry about running out of liquid nitrogen. Which I often find myself doing, due to the infrequent delivery cycles (every 6 weeks) in Cheltenham, combined with the logistics that I don&#;t particularly want more than 3 dewars on my property, as they take up a lot of space, then finally, if I was to install a 240 litre vessel of liquid nitrogen, I lose the side access to my house.

Though sadly the price hasn&#;t changed. These are a lot more than the liquid nitrogen cryo chambers, however rightly so, as they are a lot better.

Let&#;s Talk About Safety?


If handled correctly liquid nitrogen is safe, however, there is no denying this is a very dangerous substance indeed, and I mean very dangerous.

You have been warned.

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I personally have had some lucky escapes with liquid nitrogen and some not so lucky, where I have actually sprinted out of the room when the liquid nitrogen has behaved erratically.

Though I took care, perhaps I didn&#;t take enough care I appreciate, however it goes to show, just how much respect you have to give this substance, even when being very careful.

With an electric whole body cryotherapy chamber, you don&#;t have these risks, as you just turn it on, and off you go.

A big concern for me, was that staff might not be as careful as you, and if they ended up causing themselves severe injury, whilst checking Instagram! Who are they going to be coming after? Of course, you!

The 2 Aspects of Danger With Liquid Nitrogen


When it comes to liquid nitrogen, the actual handling of the containers storing the liquid nitrogen pose personal safety risks.

The first aspect is anything that comes into contact with liquid nitrogen becomes very cold, very quickly.

This can mean reconnecting, the connection pipes, and accidentally touching these extremely cold surfaces.

If using dewars (30-50 litre liquid nitrogen storage containers), moving these around as they don&#;t have a secure lid, you can easily spill liquid nitrogen over you or into the atmosphere.

Then the second aspect is that of inhalation of air, which has extremely low oxygen levels, as the liquid nitrogen has turned into nitrogen gas and displaced the oxygen from the air you are breathing.

You cannot see or feel liquid nitrogen, and it doesn&#;t take long to suffer the severely damaging effects, of a lack of oxygen.

Liquid nitrogen fuelled cryotherapy fills chambers with hazardous gas in the treatment area. Nitrogen increases the risk of forced air burns on the skin and uneven cooling on the body causing extreme discomfort.

Bear in mind I personally own a liquid nitrogen cryosauna and I sell these cryosauna&#;s, however, I want people to be fully aware, of what they are buying and to know all the facts.

Electric is Just so Easy


Nevermind the safety, electric is just so easy. In a nutshell, turn it on, wait a few hours, and use.

No worries about are your liquid nitrogen deliveries going to turn up on time, as you got four football teams coming in over the next two days, plus another 50 people booked in.

None of the hassle of when the liquid nitrogen lorry arrives, of putting up all the health and safety warning signs, while also making sure someone is around to deal with all that.

Then there is the delivery cycle of liquid nitrogen, and it&#;s all a bit of a postcode lottery sadly. As if you are based somewhere near, to a liquid nitrogen supplier, great, life&#;s easy.

If you aren&#;t and are based somewhere like Cheltenham or Cardiff, hardly inaccessible small places, may I add, then welcome to six week delivery cycles. So when you run out, you run out, and there is no popping to Tesco&#;s to get a top up of liquid nitrogen.

Finally, you have to ensure that the large vessel is kept secure and away from others, with less altruistic intentions, shall we say! If you have dewars (the smaller vessels), then you need to be certain that these are in a safe and secure location?

Are They Going to Ban the Supply of Liquid Nitrogen to Cryotherapy Chambers?


Who knows!

However, having supplied these since , I know first hand, the hassle we have had, with liquid nitrogen supply for our customers.

In fact, we have had to turn more sales away, than we made, due to the limitations of who can have liquid nitrogen, or more to the point, who can&#;t.

The regulations around the supply of liquid nitrogen also seem to be getting stricter and stricter. Though no official legal ban in the UK, I know it is getting harder and harder, for our customers to actually get their hands on liquid nitrogen, in order to fuel their cryotherapy machines.

Will the government make it illegal to supply small cryotherapy operations? Who knows, however, I wouldn&#;t be surprised at all if they do. This is why electric cryotherapy chambers as of , seem to be the only way forward.

And if you can&#;t afford one, I would consider looking at some of the other amazing longevity devices out there. If you are looking for ideas, then visit The Longevity Clinic, where there is a central resource, of the top longevity devices in the world as of today.

How Much?


Then finally, there is the cost, an electric cryo chamber, whether a proper one that goes down to -110°C or a fake cryo chamber that goes down to -85°C, is still a big investment.

You are looking at a starting price of £75,000 up to £100,000 for the Rolls Royce of cryo chambers, for a single user electric cryo chamber.

Want to Know More About Cryotherapy Chambers?


If you like what you have read and want to know more about cryotherapy chambers, then just fill out the form below and we can send you out a free copy of our &#;Buyers Guide to Cryotherapy Chambers&#;.


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    If you are looking for more details, kindly visit Electric Cryotherapy Chamber.

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